hi newgrounds hi hi hi
im still working on my cartoon with @gooberthed ! and i'd like to talk about it a bit just for fun because its fun to talk
2023 is nearing its end, and while there's still over a whole month left to do work on stuff, i feel like reflecting on the work i've done for this project so far
before 2023, most of what was done for last soda was just prep stuff like storyboards and voice acting, and a bit of animation but not like a ton
so far this year i've animated about 65 shots of animation for this cartoon, with 35 of those shots being finalized visually (backgrounds and 2d assets and stuff)
i've also spent a good chunk of the year traveling and being a full-time college student so last soda has become the project i get to chip away at whenever i get a second to sit down lol
october 29th marked 2 years since me, greta, and carol thought to make this silly idea into a cartoon, and the last 11 months have probably been the most productive i've been on this cartoon
last soda episode 1 is looking to be exactly 15 minutes long. throughout the past year we've made tiny tweaks to timing and stuff but i don't think we're gonna be messing with overall timing of the episode any more than we already have from here on out
the first year making this was spent doing a lot of prep work and figuring out how to make a big cartoon like this, when we first started this project i'd never really reached out to voice actors or sent scripts over or ANYTHING and i cringe a bit when i think about how i approached the voice actors initially sometimes lol
and this second year was spent really defining the style of the cartoon more and just doing as much animation as i can between busy life stuff
as of RIGHT right now, november 17th 2023 1:52 pm as i write this, 54.5% (ABOUT 8 MINUTES 17 SECONDS) of last soda is animated. 29.4% of that is completely finalized in the visuals department, with the other 25.1% still needing things like 2D assets and backgrounds. and the other 45.5% of the episode has completed storyboards and music and stuff like that cuz @icymire32 is a beast and already made all the music! but also as i've been animating and me and greta have been making art assets, icymire's been refining a lot of those older tracks and not to be biased but i really like the sound she's created for this silly little cartoon world we're building, she's posted tiny early snippets of stuff but seriously the music in this blows my mind sometimes. and greta's art direction for the thing is really kick-ass and i love working with my friends on this
here is a fun little graphic showing off the progress on last soda
and here's a fun little poster i made last night while hanging out with greta. we saw other cartoons getting cool posters and wanted in on the fun lol
follow the last soda twitter if u wanna see like semi-frequent updates and little sneak peeks at the thing .... i don't use it a ton but i like to let people know we're alive lol
and that's what i have for right now! i wish i could show off all this cool animation stuff i've got done, but i think it'll be more than worth it to see it all packaged as intended in one nice 15 minute long episode
being the only animator on this project is wild but its very rewarding to see work get done
with almost all of the animation so far being made this year.... im optimistic that last soda episode 1 may see the light of day sometime around october next year? being hopeful but i think its possible. i wont pressure myself though